Monday, August 6, 2012

The American Dream

God, Earth, Spirits, Sun, Rain... 
Bless the people, bless the world, bless my family with the bounty arising from the garden today.

Growing a business is part of the American Dream. Following one's heart callings is also woven into the fabric of our country. May I suggest that being true to your callings and working toward those endeavors with diligence is an act of patriotism. That being different or being kind or being real is like being the fertilizer and water of this country's garden.

I'm reminded of what Stanley Kunitz said about his own life when he was feeling "less than" in the eyes of the world. "I remind myself that to choose to live the life of a poet in the modern superstate is in itself a political action." When he speaks of being a poet, I interpret that to mean any compassionate form of a personal gift you have to give the world.

Last night I tallied the statistics of this first year of a farming business. I counted what I have given as offerings to being an organic farmer. After expenses and adding the benefit of providing my own family with food, I made about .28 cents an hour. Yay, a profit, in our first year. But a hard won profit. Meager in the world's view. But not in mine.

I also tallied some of the gains from being a farmer poet. These were invaluables like connection with people, healthy food, being physically fit, purpose and freedom and having a forum to write. For moments while packing the CSA boxes last week I felt the very visceral tingle of the compassionate spirits all over me. I tasted the sweetness of peas and beets. I saw friends smile when I delivered the boxes. How great is that!

I propose that making a mint (not the plant) is not the American dream. Being yourself while being of service to others, that is the American dream I subscribe to.

For me, being a farmer is about political activism and environmentalism that cuts across party lines. It offers something real and alive in the pantry instead of the dry dead manufactured goods lining our corporate grocery store's shelves. This living produce is possible because of YOU, the ones that believed enough in goodness to invest in the Earth, community and health. Thank you.

I don't think healing in our country is about changing the people in elected office as much as it is about how we build foundations under our longings and callings. One step, one hoe full, one pulled (not sprayed) weed at a time.

Moon Bear CSA: This is the week where your garden is reconfiguring itself. The spring greens are pulling back while the sturdy squash and roots are taking off in the heat. And the tomatoes are coming! The purple and gold and striped and deep red harbingers of high Summer. That's worth celebrating. 

We'll be at Legacy Salmon Creek Farmer's Market from 2:30 'till 7 tomorrow with potatoes, onions, garlic and beets. Come on in for a 25% discount.

See you in the Garden

Copyright Richard Sievers, August 2012, All Rights Reserved

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