Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Green Green Green: Week 3 of Moon Bear CSA

Kale Bed by the Silver Barn
Hello Moon Bears, 

Check out all the farm photos below, after reading the post.

I just returned from a five day trip to see my mom. And what did I find? The garden is overflowing with GREEN!   Many items are very close to ripe, but not quite there. We'll have tomatoes within the next two weeks. And the Carrots look like they're coming soon. Acorn squash looks like about two to three weeks out. Even a few small ears of Corn are popping their heads our into the sunshine. We'll also have more Potatoes soon, including our famous fingerlings.

We have BEETS this week, including Ruby Queen and Detroit varieties. These are sweet and tender. I like them sliced and steamed. We also have greens from the late spring, including perfect Swiss Chard and Siberian Kale. The lettuce was scorched this week by the sun. So we'll see only limited quantities of that until mid July (If the Sun decides to temper itself). 

This week will be a slightly smaller offering than last. That's the ebb and flow nature of gardening. I made a commitment to offer everything they garden is offering. Hang in there. A beautiful new group of veggies is coming soon. I'll give you all we've got throughout our season.

Here's What's on the Menu for a full share:
  • Rainbow and Rhubarb Chard
  • Ruby Queen Beets
  • Triple Onions
  • Baseball Butter Lettuce (We only have a few left for a couple of weeks) Update: Oops no lettucve this week. Looks too droopy from the heat. Sorry.
  • Garlic
  • Baby Broccoli Sprouts
  • Siberian Kale
  • Yellow and Dark Green Zucchini
  • Update: Found the most beautiful little turnips in a forgotten corner of the North Plot. Try mashing with potatoes.
Please remember to leave your cooler out for me to collect

See You in the Garden


Some of your coolers drying in the sun

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